
Code of ethics

SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L., through this Code of Ethics, sets out the corporate values on which its business history is based and tries to respond, with its own behaviour, to the different expectations of the parties involved. The principles and provisions of the Code are binding for the management, employees and all collaborators of SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. and must be shared by them.
It is the primary responsibility of managers to promote the values and principles contained in the Code, taking responsibility both internally and externally and strengthening trust, cohesion, unity of purpose and team spirit.
The Code of Ethics is also addressed to employees, collaborators and all those who establish relations or relationships with the Company, either directly or indirectly, on a stable or temporary basis or otherwise operate in pursuit of the Company's objectives, in order to ensure that the Company's activities are carried out in compliance with the general principles of this Code, which represent an essential requirement for the performance of SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L.'s activities and for the achievement of its economic, productive and social objectives.

The principles on which this Code is based, consistent with the expectations of SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L.'s stakeholders, are as follows:

  • ethics and respect for the law in the behavior of the company and its various stakeholders, while seeking the right corporate profit;
  • transparency and collaboration with local authorities and supervisory authorities;
  • openness and relations with the context in which the company is established.
  • professionalism, fairness and professional diligence towards customers;
  • search for partnership relationships with suppliers and subcontractors, in order to increase their reliability and loyalty over time;
  • management leadership with orientation to team work and knowledge management;
  • fairness, courtesy and respect in relations between colleagues, in a framework of mutual loyalty and trust between employer and employees;
  • respect for the environment and the health and safety of employees and collaborators.

These principles are embodied in the following commitments to the various parties involved:


SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. is committed to observe the principles of loyalty, fairness, transparency, professionalism, efficiency and openness to the market, without distinction, even in the search for corporate profit, which is the only element that can ensure the survival and welfare of the company in the future. The objectives of the company, the realization of projects, the choice of investments and actions must all be directed to increase in the long term the assets, management, technological and cognitive values of the company as well as the creation of value and well-being for all parties involved. SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. takes care to adequately inform third parties about the commitments and obligations of the Code, requires them to comply with the principles that directly concern their activity and adopts the appropriate internal and, if within its competence, external initiatives in case of non-fulfillment by third parties.


SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. promotes dialogue with institutions and organized expressions of civil society in all the countries in which it operates and, where appropriate, actively and fully cooperates with them. The management and employees of SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L., as well as external collaborators whose actions may refer to SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L., must behave correctly, transparently, truthfully and traceably in their relations with the Public Administration. It is SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L.'s commitment to actively contribute to the promotion of quality of life, to the social and economic development of the communities in which SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. operates and to the formation of human capital and local skills, carrying out its business activities with respect for the territory. SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. believes in the training of young people and, in collaboration with local Technical and Professional Institutes, will start work-school programs and internship projects.


SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. pursues its business success on the markets through the quality of its products and services at competitive conditions and in compliance with all the rules set to protect fair competition. The company imprints its activity on the criterion of quality, intended essentially as the objective of full satisfaction of customers/purchasers and other subjects to whom the company's activity is directed. In its relations with customers and clients, the company ensures fairness and clarity in commercial negotiations and in the assumption of contractual obligations, as well as faithful and diligent contractual fulfilment.
The company undertakes to seek suitable professional skills and commitment to the sharing of the principles of this Code from suppliers and external collaborators; SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. promotes the construction of lasting relationships with its suppliers and subcontractors, for the progressive improvement of the company's overall performance. The selection of suppliers and the determination of purchasing conditions are based on an objective evaluation of the quality and price and the counterparty's ability to provide and guarantee goods and services of a level appropriate to the Company's needs, the goods or services requested, as well as guarantees of assistance.


Human resources are the key for the success of the company. The dedication and professionalism of management and employees are decisive values and conditions to achieve the objectives of SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L., in a framework of mutual loyalty and trust between employer and employees. The employment relationship is carried out in compliance with the collective contractual regulations of the sector and with social security, tax and insurance regulations. The company is committed to developing the skills and competences of management and employees, so that, within the work performance, the energy and creativity of individuals find full expression in the group for the realization of their potential; SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. is committed in this sense to encourage moments of co-working and teamwork. SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. is also committed to offering, in full compliance with the relevant legal and contractual regulations, all workers the same job opportunities, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a fair regulatory and salary treatment, based on criteria of merit and competence, without discrimination. SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. hopes that its resources, at every level, will collaborate to maintain an environment of mutual respect for the dignity and personal skills of each individual in the company. It is the management's task to contribute to the creation of a professional climate in which all employees feel positively involved in achieving the company's objectives.


Organizational knowledge is the wealth of skills and competences necessary for the effective functioning of processes and the continuous improvement of products and services. SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. promotes the culture and initiatives aimed at spreading knowledge within its structure and aimed at highlighting the values, principles and behaviors and contributions in terms of innovation of each employee in relation to issues related to the development of business activities and the sustainable growth of the company. SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. is committed to offering tools for interaction and information sharing between the members of the various departments and promotes initiatives for growth and dissemination of know-how, in order to increase the overall knowledge of the company.


The activities of SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L., in relation to the protection of health and safety and the environment, must be conducted in accordance with the laws, regulations, administrative practices and national policies of the countries in which it operates, as well as the international agreements and standards that the company has chosen to follow. SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. intends to pursue the continuous improvement of health and safety conditions in the workplace and environmental protection over time and is committed to fostering a culture of health and safety and respect for the environment among its employees. SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L., through the solutions adopted for its products and services, also actively contributes to the promotion of technological development aimed at safeguarding resources and the environment. The resources of SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L., within the scope of their duties, actively participate in the process of risk prevention, environmental protection and health and safety protection for themselves, their colleagues and third parties. The company undertakes, as far as possible, to ensure that all employees, managers, directors, collaborators, as well as the personnel and officers of other companies with whom activities in common or coordinated - even temporarily - are constantly complying with the laws and regulations in force in all the countries in which the company operates, as well as with the organizational and procedural rules adopted by the clients.


SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. undertakes to protect the personal data relating to its employees and third parties, generated or acquired within and in business relations, and to avoid any improper use of this information. The company guarantees that the processing of personal data carried out within its structure is carried out with respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as for the dignity of the persons concerned, as provided for by the regulations in force.
SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. undertakes, at all levels, to use confidentiality and the utmost caution and care in the use of information not in the public domain deriving from the performance of its duties and owned by customers, clients, suppliers or third parties. The employees of SIVA INDUSTRIA PELLI S.R.L. undertake not to disclose, use or communicate information and/or any other kind of news, documents, data, know-how, etc. related to the operations proper to each task or responsibility that are confidential, without specific authorization.

> Vision / Mission